World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2017

Elders deserve abuse-free dignity and respect.

It’s not a favour. It’s mandatory. A basic human right.

Purposeful neglect, abuse, starvation, isolation, malnutrition, ill-treatment, disrespect, ignorance, demeaning behaviour, physical violence, and emotional abuse are all but some of the painful experiences the global elderly population face almost every single moment, everyday. That too at the hands of their own family members. The elders that brought up their family are now being brought down by their own family.

Awareness and action are the only ways to stop these unjust atrocities. If this is not what you deserve, then neither do your elders. We’re all humans – and elders are too.

This World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, make a point to step up, take a stand against these cowardly and shameful actions, and put a permanent end to them. Make change. Make a difference. Celebrate dignity and humanity in all forms.

Originally posted on Instagram.

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